Take control of your local delivery business with our delivery driver app available on the Google Play and Apple Store. Our delivery driver app connects through our API to send status updates to dispatch operators using our Zippykind software. Driver’s can send status updates during each step of the delivery process to dispatch operators and customers.
Delivery Driver App Features
Our driver’s app is packed with features, some of which are:
- Delivery Drivers can optimize their entire route using the shortest distance between stops with the click of a button.
- Delivery Drivers can submit notes, photos and signature verification to delivery tickets.
- Delivery Drivers GPS coordinates are logged throughout the delivery process.
- Delivery Drivers can sort their assigned delivery tickets by distance and time.
- Delivery Driver’s can see past, current and future deliveries.
- Delivery Driver’s can see order details including, items ordered and total amount due.
Delivery Driver Notifications
When a delivery driver updates the delivery ticket with one of the following status updates: acknowledged, accepted, started, in-route, successful, a notification is sent to the dispatch operators and to the customer. Custom templates can be created within our dispatch software which will be used to send out notifications when the milestones are met during the delivery process. You can change the notification template settings so that only certain notifications are sent to the customer. You can also choose whether you want to send notifications through email or SMS txt, or both.
Customer to Delivery Driver Tracking
We offer short codes that can be used within the notification templates and one of those short codes is a driver tracking link. So lets say you want to send your customer a driver tracking link when the driver marks the delivery ticket as ‘in-route’, when the customer receives the text message or email and clicks on the link, a map will be displaed with the driver’s GPS position relative to your customer’s location and will show the ETA and some other details about the delivery driver. Many customers have described this tracking page as an “Uber-like” experience. Once the driver has marked the delivery ticket as successful through the delivery driver app, the customer can then rank the driver based on a 5 star review and can also leave a comment.