WooCommerce API Integration with Zippykind

Below are the steps you should follow to connect your Woocommerce store to your Zippykind account.

Step 1) Purchase a Woocommerce Zapier plugin. 
Some users use this Woocommerce/Zapier plugin which is the most affordable option, but we recommend contacting the plugin developer of whichever plugin you choose to make sure the Woocommerce plugin that you are purchasing is compatible with your version of WooCommerce and WordPress.  We are not responsible for making sure your plugin works correctly, please consult with the plugin developer regarding support.  When you purchase the plugin, install it into your Woocommerce site and you should be given instructions by the plugin developer on how to connect your new plugin to your Zapier account.

Step 2) Create an account at Zapier.com
Zapier usually offers a free trial so that you can test your account prior to subscribing.  Accept our Zapier Invite to start using our Zapier template.

Step 3) Get familiar with Zapier.
Watch our Zapier Video Tutorial, which will help you understand how to edit the Zapier template.  The video tutorial shows a Shopify integration using Zapier, but the process to connect a WooCommerce store to Zippykind is very similar which is why we recommend watching the video tutorial in this step.  You will first want to accept our Zapier template invitation using the link provided in the previous step and then you should see the newly accepted Zap in your Zap page in Zapier.  A Zap is a template that we’ve created that lets you “map” the data that flows in from Woocommerce to Zippykind.  For example, if the Woocommerce plugin labeled the customer’s name as “cus_name” and we label it “customer_name”, the Zapier template lets you connect/”map” these two fields together so when the data flows through it knows how to format the data before sending it to Zippykind.

Step 4) Generate an API key.
Log into your Zippykind account and click on API Connect from the main menu and then click on the Keys tab.   While connecting your Zapier template to your Zippykind account, you will be asked for your Zippykind API key, provide the API key that was generated during this step.

Step 6) Map the data and test the connection.
After you have connected your data fields in your Zapier template, you will then want to save the Zapier template and send a test through.  Fetch a test order in the first step of Zapier and then send the test data to Zippykind through Zapier to make sure all the data is being carried through correctly.  Note: If you only want test delivery tickets to be created in your Zippykind account during your testing.  Go to your Zippykind account and click on API Connect from the main menu and enable API Testing by switching the API Testing switch to On which is located in the right column.

Step 7) Enable your Zapier Zap.
Once you have tested your Zapier template and you have ensured that all the data is being carried through correctly, you should then enable the Zap by clicking on the Enable switch toward the top right of your screen in your Zapier account from the Zap edit page.  This option will also be presented to you when you finish editing the template.  Note: When you edit the template, the Zap will be disabled, so make sure to re-enable it each time you edit your template.

That’s it!!!!!!! You should now be able to receive orders from your WooCommerce store to your Zippykind account!